As our bodies grow and change, so do our mouths. A process that occurs when milk teeth grow is called resorption; this is teeth falling out as your body absorbs the tissue that connects your milk teeth to your gums. However, root resorption is a rare but serious condition in adults and can lead to rot and other complications. Here, we’ll look at root resorption symptoms, treatments, and what you can do to maintain excellent oral health.
What is Root Resorption?
When a tooth undergoes root resorption, the body’s immune system dissolves the tooth root structure. According to experts, root resorption can occur internally and externally, causing loosening or tooth loss. In terms of losing milk teeth, the process is the same: When a tooth is ready to fall out, the body signals that the bone between the new permanent tooth and the old milk tooth is expelled as waste along with the baby’s root. Eventually, the baby tooth falls out, leaving a space for the new permanent tooth to grow in.
Causes of Root Resorption
When root resorption occurs other than losing primary teeth, it is likely due to dental nerve or gingival infection, tooth movement due to orthodontic treatment, impacted teeth, or chronic tooth grinding. However, in some rare cases, the cause is unknown. Root resorption symptoms can be in the form of pain, swelling and loosening of your teeth. However, most cases are asymptomatic.
Dentists most often find root resorption in people between the ages of 21 and 30. This condition is more common in women than men. Systemic diseases and endocrine disorders such as hyperparathyroidism, Paget’s disease, calcinosis, Gaucher’s disease, and Turner syndrome may also contribute to root resorption. Rarely, root resorption is caused by pressure from a tumor.
Root Resorption Treatment
Root resorption treatment is very diverse, as there are many specific causes. Your dentist will likely order imaging tests to better understand your condition and how serious it is. Treatments for mild cases may include treating symptoms such as swelling and pain relief. If you are experiencing a milder condition, your dentist may recommend treatments such as root canal treatment or tooth extraction.
The best way to treat root resorption is to prevent it. Make your regular dental appointments with your dentist so they can catch dental problems early. Remember to stick to good dental hygiene habits, including brushing twice a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, and cleaning between your teeth every day with floss, floss, or another interdental cleaner.
It’s a fact: oral health problems happen. Fortunately, the best treatment is early detection. The sooner you discover any oral health issues, the sooner you can get treatment from your dentist and return your smile to a healthy, confident state.