Aesthetic Dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that makes not only your teeth more beautiful but also your gums and the closing of your teeth. Aesthetic dentistry treatments improve the shape of your mouth and the quality of your smile, resulting also in improvement of the functionality of your teeth from the point of bite shape and force. Aesthetic dentistry deals with both improving the appearance of teeth and functionality of them.

Although a perfect smile is considered as the main focus of aesthetic dentistry, improving the appearance and brilliance of your smile is one part of the equation, but it is not the end goal. The main target is to restore the natural health and function of your mouth.

When aesthetic is blended with a focus on dental health and wellness, the result naturally is beautiful, healthy and long-lasting smile.

As Dent Suadiye, in aesthetic dentistry, we pay attention to the size, shape, colour, position and alignment of teeth and gums. We use a variety of periodontal, conservative and prosthodontics procedures to straighten crooked or misshapen teeth and restore dark and discoloured teeth to their natural white colour. In case of necessity, in order to get the best possible result, our orthodontist participates in the treatment process.

In Which Cases Are Aesthetic Dentistry Treatments Applied?

Aesthetic dentistry applications are used for the treatment of broken or worn teeth, stained or discoloured teeth, deformed teeth, missing teeth, diastema (refers to a gap or space between the teeth) and excessive gingival display (gummy smile).

Which Treatments Are Included in Aesthetic Dentistry?

  • Aesthetic fillings
  • Teeth whitening
  • Gum (pink) aesthetic
  • Porcelain laminate veneers
  • Non-metalic crowns ( zirconia or empress)
  • Smile design

What is Gingival Aesthetics?

Aesthetically, the appearance of the gingiva is as important as the appearance of the teeth. No matter how beautiful teeth or prostheses look, they lose their importance in the presence of aesthetically inadequate gums. It is very important that gums which form a framework for the teeth together with the lips should have a good appearance.

Edema which occurs due to tartar and gingitivitis, ulemorrhagia, cyanosis of gum are the most frequently encountered problems. Patients should maintain their oral hygenie with care following the treatment. The use of laser in the treatments shortens the length of treatment period and reduces the recurrence of the problem. After mechanical cleaning, bacteria causing pocket formation are cleaned with laser easily.

Excessive gingival display while smiling known as “Gummy Smile” can be treated by laser. The smile line is determined and all the excess gum tissue are comfortably and efficiently removed with laser. This procedure is easily performed by means of laser application almost without any bleeding and without feeling any pain. The comfort of the patient is almost not affected both during surgery and after procedure. Moreover, the recovery time is shortened by the laser procedure.

Gum recession may occur with age or due to gingival problems. The biggest visual problem in such a case are the black gaps between the teeth. It is aesthetically rather negative that teeth also look lengthened because of  recession. In these cases, the gaps can be closed by adding gums. Developing surgical technigues increase the success rate of such operations from the point of view of health and aesthetics.

Melanin pigmentation in dark-skinned individuals darkens the colour of the gingiva. Smoking is also another reason leading darker gums. These discolourations on the gums can be easily removed with laser treatment in a single session.

Personalized smile design is performed by taking factors such as age, gender and shape of the face into consideration. In past years, while round shaped teeth were preferred in round shaped faces and square shaped teeth were preferred in square shaped faces, these concepts have changed because of the fact that these rules do not satisfy aesthetic needs of patients.

For decades dentists have sought to harmonize the shapes of teeth with the entire face based on parameters such as gender, personality and age and achieving truly successful results revealed the concept of visagism.

The visagism concept helps dentists provide restorations that account not only for aesthetics, but also for the psychosocial features of the created image, which affect patients’ emotions, sense of identity, behaviour and self-esteem.

Visagism is an important concept for dentistry because it aims to restructure personalized smiles using visual art. The aim is to reflect a detailed smile that expresses identity, lifestyle and personality of the patient. In this way, the harmony of the smile is obtained and the expectations of the patient are met and even exceeded. This will bring incalculable benefits in business, family and social life of the patient and increase self-esteem.

Visagism targets to reflect patients’ emotions and personality on smile designs. The aim is to reveal the personality and mood that the person wants to give around while smiling. Such a design specific to personality can be achieved by a good analysis and data collection. Design is made digitally by using photos, video records and measurements taken at the beginning.

For a beautiful smile, today several options are presented. One of them is teeth whitening (bleaching). There are two main types of teeth whitening as in-office teeth whitening and at- home teeth whitening. While in-office teeth whitening makes a visible difference in 30 minutes, the difference in at-home teeth whitening appears in at least one week. In-office type whitening procedure should be definitely performed by a dentist. Experience of the dentist, material and device used in the procedure are of great importance for the sustainability of teeth whitening procedure. Moreover, it is also important that the patient should follow instructions after teeth whitening procedure.

What can cause stained teeth or tooth discolouration?

Smoking and consumption of tea, coffee and acidic beverages frequently and for a long time can cause stained teeth. There are many other reasons of discolouration. There are also discolourations related with genetics, taking antibiotics for a long time, excessive fluoride intake, root canal treatment, trauma and aging.

How is in-office teeth whitening procedure performed?

The procedure is performed at the dental clinic by a dentist. It takes shorter and it is a system that can bring results faster. First of all, all surfaces of lip and cheek are isolated by a retractor. Then, gum tissue is also isolated with the covering agents. Only tooth surfaces remain uncovered. The bleaching gel with hydrogen peroxide is applied to tooth surfaces and this gel is activated using light or laser. The gel activated by a laser or light produces a visible bleaching effect on tooth surface. The procedure takes 30-40 minutes. There is no need for anaesthesia during teeth whitening procedure.

In-office teeth whitening is more permanent and much more effective than at-home teeth whitening. Since the ratio of hydrogen peroxide content of the bleaching agent is higher, effects are produced in a shorter time.

How is at-home teeth whitening performed?

Personalized teeth bleaching trays are prepared by taking the impression of the inside of the mouth. A certain amount of bleaching gel is applied to the trays. These trays should be kept in the mouth for at least 4 hours for this procedure to be effective.

For whom is teeth whitening procedure performed?

Teeth whitening procedure is applicable for all individuals with age over 18 and for any healthy tooth.

Is there any inconvenience of teeth whitening?

There is not any harmful effect of teeth whitening procedures to teeth and gums as long as the procedure is performed as a result of right indication and under the supervision of a dentist. It harms neither pulp nor the hard tissue of the tooth.

How long does the effect of teeth whitening last?

It is expected that the colour of teeth changes with time. Although it is stated that effect of whitening procedure lasts for 2-3 years, this duration varies with factors such as eating habit and smoking. Since it is a repeatable procedure, the procedure can be performed again when discolouration occurs.

Is there any sensitivity after the teeth whitening procedure?

Nonserious sensitivity may develop.  This sensitivity goes away within a few a days.

Is teeth whitening same procedure as the removing of stains on the surface of teeth?

It is not the same procedure. These stains on the surface of tooth is absuletly removed before teeth whitening procedure.

What should be kept in mind after teeth whitening procedure?

Smoking should be reduced. Nothing should be eaten and drunk for an hour after the procedure. Tea, coffee, acidic beverages, coloured beverages (turnip, juices, red wine etc.) and foods (foods with tomato paste, foods with dark sauce, coloured fruits etc.) should be avoided for 10 days. Otherwise, the discolouration is observed. The more the instructions are followed, the longer the whiteness is preserved.

What is tooth gem?

Tooth gem is a leading cosmetic dentistry procedure in which diamonds or crystals are attached to the tooth surface. This procedure will make your teeth look dazzling.

Tooth decoration is a painless procedure and does not require a process like drilling. It does not cause any functional impairment of the tooth and easy to remove. Small sized jewels with flat back surfaces are used in the procedure.

Tooth gem procedure is minimally invasive and painless.

There is no need for extra care after procedure is completed.

Tooth crystals can be removed and they do not have any side effect to tooth enamel.

It is not a long-term procedure, almost it takes 10-20 minutes.

Tooth crystals are stain resistant and they have a flat back surface.

Because it is not a permanent procedure, results will last between 2 and 4 years.

It can be removed  when desired.

Removal procedure of tooth crystals is the same as of orthodontic brackets and it does not harm tooth.

After removal of the tooth crystal, the tooth will be polished properly to remove any remaining bonding material.

The dentist uses a scaler or a rubber polisher to remove the tooth crystal.

Why should you prefer the tooth crystal?

Tooth gems are placed painless.
Our dental specialists provide a charming smile without infecting or damaging your teeth.
Your teeth become more attractive and you can get a bright smile.
If you would like to have some attraction and fun, you may contact our dental specialists for tooth gem procedure.

What is inlay and onlay?

Inlays/onlays are the restorations to treat tooth decays or cracks ranging from minor to mild. These treatments are performed when teeth are not damaged enough to require a crown. Inlays/onlays help to preserve your normal tooth structure after decay or damage. They are known as “indirect fillings” and prepared in a dental laboratory environment. Unlike fillings, dental inlay and onlay restorations do not weaken the tooth structure. They make tooth stronger and have 50% to 75% more chewing force.

Typically, an inlay or onlay procedure is completed in two dental visits. During the first visit, the tooth is prepared for the restoration. Decay is removed in order to take an impression and prepare a model of the tooth and the impression is sent to the dental laboratory.

Then the tooth is filled with a temporary filling material. At the second session, the temporary filling is removed and the inlay/onlay is adhered to the tooth and is smoothly polished.

What is the difference between inlay and onlay?

Dental Inlays/Onlays are similar dental restorations specially fabricated in a dental laboratory. Actulally, the difference between them is about the area that they cover. Mostly, inlays and onlays are designed to repair a tooth decay or a damaged molar. Inlays are more like a filling, but they are placed between the tubercles on the chewing surface of teeth. An onlay, on the other hand, is fabricated to cover one or more dental tubercles. They match the tooth’s colour as much as possible. In this manner, they are not noticed when placed in the mouth. The material of inlays and onlays are composite material that is stronger and more durable than porcelain and traditional filling material. This makes them generally more expensive but longer-lasting.

How long do inlay/onlay last?

One of the main advantages of inlays and onlays is that they are durable and long-lasting. However, dentists cannot guarantee how long they will last due to various factors. Some may be subject to more wear than others and may become damaged sooner than expected if not taken care of.

One of the most important factors affecting the lifespan of inlays and onlays after their placement is that how well the patient practices dental hygiene behaviours. This means tooth brushing at least twice a day, using dental floss every day and following the special instructions of the dentist. A patient should visit the dentist regularly to check whether the inlays/onlays are solid and in place.

Patients should do their best to reduce wear of inlays/onlays together with proper hygiene. Chewing and hard foods affect the lifespan of inlays/onlays. Hard foods can crack the inlay/onlay material and chewable foods adhered to the material cause the bonding to loosen. So, while there is no certain duration how long inlays/onlays will last, you may expect that they can be durable for a longer time depending on how well you take care of them and your general oral health.

Are inlays/onlays better than other fillings?

There are a few factors in order to determine whether inlays/onlays are better than fillings. In general, inlays/onlays are better from the point of that they can fill larger holes and they are more durable. For example, amalgam in fillings can expand or shrink depending on temperature. This may cause the filling even the tooth to crack. Inlays/onlays do not face with this problem and they strengthen the tooth. Because they are fabricated customized, so they fit perfectly to the tooth cavity.

However, one of the benefits of fillings for many patients is that filling procedure takes a short period of time. Inlays and Onlays require at least two visits, one for taking of impression and one for placement. Fillings can be completed in the clinic at just one visit and they are less expensive. As a result, inlays/onlays will perform better than fillings.

The digital smile design is a treatment planning protocol that allows for careful analysis of the patient’s facial, oral and dental structure through state-of-art videography and digital technology. The digital smile design, today known also as the Hollywood Smile, evaluates the structure of the face, mouth and teeth as whole. Deficiencies are detected and the factors that will provide the ideal smile are taken into consideration.

In general, a Hollywood Smile is an impressive and remarkable figure of smile that movie stars, celebrities and artists make in accordance with their profiles. In smile design procedure, firstly, a panoramic dental x-ray is taken. The design process starts based on the data obtained from dental x-ray, the result of intraoral examination and in line with the complaints.

Patients applying to the clinic for the smile design procedure take the following steps:

Taking panoramic dental x-ray and intraoral examination

Photo shooting recording several facial expressions during photo session.

Video shooting  recording all natural facial expressions and smile design is evaluated wthin these limits.

Getting intraoral impressions and creating records  with the dental laboratory.

Photographs taken are uploaded to the computer and digital measurements are taken.

While taking measurements, parameters such smile line, face shape, lip structure and asymmetries etc. are taken into consideration. The patient’s desire and ideal limits are combined in a common point. All measurements taken are shared with the dental laboratory and an ideal design is tried to be made as a result of this data transfer.

A prototype is prepared by using the measurements taken and the design made. This prototype is tested in the patient’s mouth without any operation. In this way, the patient can see the outcome of the treatment even before starting the procedure. The patient can decide what he or she desires in try-in session and the dentist can make a clearer plan.

What is smile design?

Today, the importance of first impression in communication is undisouted. A beautiful smile is a factor that keeps you one step ahead in social life and makes it easier to open doors with your self-confidence. A confident smile allows you to make a good impression on people.

Research show that we focus on the teeth of the people in front of us while laughing and talking. Therefore, teeth that have a proper alignment, colour and shape and are in the ideal smile line are more appreciated.

Smile design aims at the most ideal smile determined within personal limits and in line with the data received from the patient.

What is an ideal smile?

It is a smile that is in harmony with the whole face, pleasing ourselves and others and most importantly that has not lost its natural looking.

Which factors affect an ideal smile?

There are many factors affecting an ideal smile. For example, the differences between man’s and woman’s anatomy are reflected in their tooth structure. While men’s teeth are more prominent and sharp-edged, these lines of women are softer. While men’s teeth corners are flatter, those of women are more oval. The front two teeth of women are longer and more prominent.

One of the classical information is also that the tooth structures and the shape of face are similar. However, some exceptions provide better results. For example, long teeth to be placed in a patient’s mouth with oval face cause the face to appear longer and thinner.

With aging, the length of the teeth shortens, deformities in the tooth surface occur and colour of the tooth darken. Gum recession causes gaps to form between the teeth and aesthetic problems. It removes the effects of aging by teeth whitening, closing the gaps between the teeth caused by gum recession with the help of prostheses, eliminating tooth irregularities and deficiencies. With the elimination of dental deficiencies, speech improves, aesthetic needs are satisfied and collapse of the lip and the cheek are prevented.

With aging, the vertical dimension of the face decreases due to wear on the teeth. Therefore, the lips are closed on each other. The upper lip hangs down and the upper teeth become less visible. On the other hand, the teeth in the lower jaw become more visible. All these make the effects of aging visible. Depending on whether the lips are thick, thin, short or long, the teeth are positioned and the defects are tried to be eliminated.

No matter how beautiful your teeth are, if your gums are not healthy, this will spoil the beauty of your teeth. Edema, redness and bright appearance in the gums caused by gingivitis will cause aesthetic problems. Sometimes the gums appear more than they should. This  problem is called as “gummy smile”. Gummy smile can be treated by modifying the gingival contour for the appropriate position.

Another gum problem is the dark colour of the gingiva. This is due to the gingival pigmentation in dark-skinned individuals. Another reason of darkening is smoking. These problems can be easily eliminated with laser treatment.

Gum recession is also a problematic situation from the aesthetic point of view. If the degree of recession is high, open area is closed with the tissue grafts taken from the inside of the mouth. It is possible to solve all kinds of aesthetic problems with developing technologies. The important thing is that the diagnosis should be right and to choice the most appropriate treatment method.

Problems related to the tooth colour can be eliminated in a short time like 30 minutes with the teeth whitening treatment. In cases where bleaching is not sufficient, we solve problems with adhesive dental treatments such as laminate veneer, crown or bonding. Orthodontic treatment that protects natural teeth is our priority for cases such as teeth crowding. If the orthodontic treatment with brackets or transparent aligners is not enough, we support the treatment process with prosthetic treatments.

Dark-coloured fillings can cause a bad appearance while smiling. By replacing these fillings with tooth-coloured composite fillings or porcelain fillings, we can provide an aesthetic smile.

Deformities in teeth, tooth wears due to aging, fractures because of trauma can be treated with adhesive dental procedures and laminate veneers. It is possible to make big differences with minimal touches.

What is the invisalign system?

Invisalign system provides the movements made by the brace with the help of a transparent tray without attaching a wire to the teeth. Teeth are moved to their ideal positions with the transparent tray. Measurements of the inside of the mouth are taken by 3D scanners and personalised trays are prepared by computerized systems.

How long does the invisalign treatment take?

Transparent trays (aligners) are used for about two weeks. Transparent trays should be removed while eating, toothbrushing and drinking something other than water. Except for these cases, the trays should be definitely used. Because long-term use of the aligner affects the treatment positively.

After about two weeks, a new transparent tray is used. The number of these trays varies from patient to patient depending on the level of the crowding. The patient’s condition determines the duration of the orthodontic treatment.

What are the advantages of the invisalign treatment?

First of all, its transparency is the most important advantage in terms of aesthetics. It is almost unnoticeable that it is placed in the mouth. It does not affect your social life.

Since the space between the brackets are suitable for plaque accumulation on the tooth surface, the braces cause dental cavities and tartar accumulation more easily. Because the transparent trays cover the tooth surface, there is no plaque accumulation and these problems do not appear.

Treatment process is much more comfortable.

Does the invisalign treatment affect speech?

It does not affect speech. After a very short period of adaptation, you can speak easily. We recommend you to read a book aloud at home in order to get through this process more easily.

Zirconia restorations are highly aesthetic and biologically compatible with the tissues surrounding the tooth. It is a crown material frequently preferred due to its aesthetics and durability.

The purpose of the dental restorations is to treat the function lost, aesthetics and speech impairments of the patients. The prostheses do not only offer solutions to health-related problems, but also meet aesthetic needs. People who have problems in their social life due to missing or ruined teeth gain their self-confidence by having necessary treatment. In this way, people with improved psychology express themselves better in social life.

As time affects all systems in our body, it has also effects on our teeth. With aging, discolouration, fractures, cracks, deformities, wears caused by grinding and gum problems appear in teeth. Cases such as insufficient dental hygiene, decays formed due to consuming acidic and sugary foods or an accident may result in loss of tooth structure. The restorations used to replace these lost tissues are called crowns.

In which cases are crown restorations used?

Teeth ttah have lost excessive structure caused by decay, fracture or any other reason

Discolouration problems


To close the gaps between teeths

In existence of large sized fillings

As a preventive treatment for teeth that have undergone root canal treatment and whose durability have decreased

To close the gaps resulted after periodontal procedures

In which cases are bridge restorations used?

In case of tooth loss, it is performed by getting support from adjacent teeth on both sides of the gap. The teeth on both sides of the gap are prepared and the gap is closed with the restoration called as bridge.

How are crown and bridge restorations are performed?

First of all, supporting teeth of the bridge procedure are trimmed (prepared) a certain amount. Restoration material determines the trimming (preparation) amount. If a material without metal base is used, teeth are trimmed less.

Temporary teeth are placed to ensure the comfort of the patients after the procedure. Thus, the chewing, speech and aesthetic needs of the patients are met until the restorations are completed.

During the treatment process, the appropriate tooth colour is chosen by taking the patient’s desires into account. Restorations are prepared based on the measurements taken. After try in sessions, as a result of the evaluation of the dentist and the patient in terms of aesthetics and function, restorations are adhered to the tooth with special materials.

Full ceramic teeth imitate the translucency of the enamel crowns due to not having a metal base and being made up of full ceramic and they are more transparent than zirconia crowns. They look very natural because of high translucency. It is very difficult to distinguish them from natural teeth.

On which teeth can empress crown be applied?

It is a restoration especially applied on front teeth not imposed to excessive chewing force and premolars.

In which cases is empress crown preferred?

Teeth that have lost excessive material caused by decay, fracture or any other reason

Discolouration problems


To close the gaps between teeth

In existence of large sized fillings

To close the gaps resulted after periodontal procedures

Smile design

What is porcelain laminate?

Porcelain laminates are very thin porcelain restorations applied especially for front teeth.

Their physical strength allowed them to be thin. Today, restorative procedures that can be performed with less tissue loss are popular. Porcelain laminates requiring with little or no loss of tooth tissue are therefore highly preferred. Excellent results are achieved in terms of aesthetics because of their very well colour permeability.

Porcelain laminates are very healthy and aesthetic procedures. Their colour stability is very good and they are indistinguishable from natural teeth because of their translucency.

Because of their very thin structure, they are fabricated by very sensitive techniques. In this way, they are perfectly compatible with teeth and surrounding tissues.

What are the advantages of porcelain laminates?

They are applied requiring little or no trimming.

They are very durable although they are thin.

They have a good colour stability.

They have colour options.

They can imitate enamel and look natural because of their translucency.

Tooth discolourations, fractures, cracks and large fillings can be treated easily.

Gaps between teeths can be aesthetically closed.

They are stain resistant.

What is the lifespan of porcelain laminates.?

The appropriate indication, the use of appropriate porcelain and materials is important in porcelain laminate procedures. In addition, it is also important that the procedure should be performed by an experienced dentist. With the patient’s attention to oral hygiene and regular check-ups, they can be used for many years as they were used on the first day.

In which cases are porcelain laminates used?

Improper or crowded teeth and irregular gum levels


Tooth discolouration problems

Teeth having large, discoloured and old fillings

Fractured and worn teeth

Teeth that can not bleached with whitening procedure

Discoloured teeth because of use of antibiotics and excessive intake of fluoride

Enamel irrregularities depending on genetics

When the patient is not pleased with the appearance of his/her teeth

For whom can porcelain laminates be applied?

They can be applied for anyone who does not have parafunctional habits such as bruxism, severe jaw disorders and ruined teeth.

How is porcelain laminate treatment done?

First of all, smile design is done. A preliminary study is conducted with the help of the photos, videos and measurements taken.

During the whole design process, factors such as the patient’s age, gender, face shape, lip form are evaluated. A prototype is prepared based on the measurements taken, and the patient can see the outcome in his/her own mouth without performing any procedure on the tooth with the help of this prototype. It is possible to see the result beforehand with the help of a system called as mock-up. The patient can have information about the result. The design is created taking the patient’s desires into account. In this way, the final shape of the tooth is decided.

Then, necessary preparations are performed on tooth surface. The patient uses temporary teeth until the procedure completed. After try-in sessions, the laminates are adhered using adhesives that bind to the tooth tissue strongly. The treatment is completed after final corrections.

How to care for porcelain laminate veneers?

The care of porcelain laminate is the same as of the natural teeth. They can be used for a long time without any problem with good oral care and regular dentist check-ups. They are highly aesthetic, natural looking and long-lasting restorations.

Resin veneers are an alternative treatment to porcelain veneers to create a beautiful smile. They are made of composites which are aesthetic filling materials.

In which cases can resin veneers be applied?

They are used to close the gaps between teeths, for treatment of fractured or cracked tooth, discolouration and in existence of large fillings with discolouration.

Is preparation needed for resin veneers?

Mostly there is no need for preparation.

How is the connection with the tooth provied?

It is connected with a chemical system called as bonding.

Is there any harm to the teeth?

There is no any harm.

Do resin teeth look natural?

Restorations made by an experienced dentist look both natural and aesthetic.

Do resin veneers become discoloured?

Just as our natural teeth are discoloured by factors such as smoking, tea and coffee consumption, resin veneers can also be discoloured by these external factors. However, these discolourations can be easily removed. Discolouration of very well polished veneers are more difficult.

What should be cared?

In some cases, it is not recommended to eat and tear off hard foods with front teeth.

Can anyone have this treatment?

Anyone who does not have parafunctional habits such as nail biting, pen biting, bruxism can get this treatment. The treatment is preferred especially for young, because it can be performed without removal of tooth structure.

What is the lifespan of resin veneers?

They can be used for many years with good care. It is possible to extend this period with attention to oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups. It is quite easy to repair them in case of any problem.

How long does the treatment take?

The procedure ends within approximately 1-1.5 hours. It requires little or no removal of tooth surface. Very effective results can be achieved in a very short time with minimal touches by using aesthetic composite materials having suitable tooth colour. The procedure can be usually completed in a single session.

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