Implant Treatment
Implant treatment can be defined as artificial replacement of the lost tooth. Dental implants are screws that are placed in the jawbone instead of missing teeth in the mouth, imitating the root of the tooth, biocompatible and generally made of titanium.
Only biocompatible (tissue-friendly) implant products are used in our clinic. With right care, implants like natural teeth can last a lifetime. Implants should be surgically placed shortly after tooth loss. Immediate treatment prevents loss of the jawbone and makes it possible to get healthy teeth in a short time. In cases where patients do not have sufficient bone support, the bone structure is strengthened by bone grafting procedure. By bone grafting, insufficient bone structure does not prevent implant treatment and patients with osteoporosis problem may undergone dental implant operation with comfort.
In contrary, implant treatment is a quite easy operation. With the developing technologies, it is today very easy to have beautiful and healthy teeth comfortably in a very short time. In cases where tooth extraction is required, it is possible to complete whole implant treatment process within approximately 6 weeks including the tooth extraction healing timeline. On the other hand, we can complete whole implant treatment process of our patients whose teeth have been previously extracted within 3-4 weeks with the help of biocompatibility and healing feature of the implants used in our clinic.
All implants used in our clinic are FDA (USA Food and Drug Administration) and CE approved.
There are over 200 brands of dental implants used in Turkey. However, the number of brands of dental implants that has business continuity in Turkey above 10 years is a few. Therefore, the choice of dental implant brand to be used in operation is very important. The lifetime validity of the warranties of implant certificates given to our patients becomes meaningful with the continuity of the dental implant brand. For this reason, in our clinic, we only use implant brands that are produced by companies having a long corporate history and being experts in their fields. The prices of dental implant treatment vary depending on the implant brand used. You should also aware that another important factor that significantly affects the price of the treatment is the expertise of the surgeon who will perform the dental implant operation.
Dental implant is the best material that can be used as an alternative to natural teeth. In case tooth loss, it is the best treatment alternative that mimics natural tooth from the point of view of both health and aesthetic. It is more functional and aesthetical with respect to conventional prosthesis and dental bridges.
The success rate of implant treatment is affected positively when treatment is performed by dentists who have specialties related with the treatment. Because the right diagnosis and the right treatment increase the lifetime of implants.
With technology development, implants used in the history of dentistry for a long time have become the most popular subject of modern dentistry in the last decade. Implants as an alternative to traditional prothesis procedures have fixed and moving options. Especially, in case of single tooth loss, fixed prosthesis treatment is performed without any need for preparing adjacent teeth by using an implant to close the tooth gap. In case of multiple teeth losses, implant treatment has a fixed prosthesis alternative instead of moving prosthesis. Moreover, movement of dentures in the mouth which is the biggest problem in case of full mouth (total) prosthesis is eliminated by use of implants.
Is implant treatment can be performed in each case of tooth loss?
Implant treatment is applicable almost to each case with indication.
Can be an implant placed into any bone?
Having an appropriate bone structure is the most important factor affecting the sucess of an implant operation. Implant treatment can be performed for many cases, by means of technological development and surgical operations such as sinus lifting and bone augmentation.
Can be an implant rejected by the body?
Implants are made of alloys such as titanium and zirconium as well as zirconia ceramic materials. The common feature of these materials is that they are not perceived as foreign substance by the human body. The body do not produce antigen against these materials. In other words, it is impossible that dental implants are not accepted by the body.
How is the process of an implant treatment?
Implant treatment can be completed in a longer time with respect to classical prosthesis treatments. In spite of long treatment period, implant treatment brings better results.
The treatment process is divided into two parts as surgery and prosthesis. The duration of surgical part has been shortened up to 6 weeks by means of the developments in the materials. Under normal conditions, this period varies between 2-3 months. However, this duration is prolonged in case of need of sinus lifting or bone grafting procedures. The prosthesis part of implant treatment proceeds similarly to the classical prosthesis treatment.
Can patients with diabetes get dental implants?
There is no any inconvenience for patients with controlled diabetes to get dental implant treatment.
Is dental implant procedure painful?
A local anaesthesia is used during placement of dental implants and the patient does not feel any pain. In some cases, if the patient is terrified of the procedure, the surgical procedure is performed using sedation. That’s why the patient does not remember the procedures performed and the treatment process becomes very comfortable.
After operation with sufficient care and regular use of medicine, recovery is provided very comfortably.
Many patients state that the pain experienced after the implant operation is less than the pain experienced after tooth extraction.
Is it possible to have swelling and bruising after implant surgery?
Although it is not very common, such complaints may occur after the implant surgery. Applying a cold compress to the face near the implant site for the first 12 hours after the surgery will help minimize these complaints.
Do dental implants fall out?
A good indication, choice of high quality dental implant and experience of the surgeon increase the success rate of the implant operation up to 98%. The material of the implant is very important. It is also important to use implant brands that have proven their success and have long-term clinical studies and research.
Is it possible to replace a failed implant ?
In general implant failures may occur during the first 6 months after implant surgery. After removal of the failed implant, it takes time for healing of bone and then a new implant is placed.
Implant failures may also occur in later periods. These failures are mostly due to gingival diseases.
Are implants harmful to the body?
There is no any harmful effect of dental implants to health. Since the implant ensures the bone to which it is attached to function, it helps to preserve the bone in that area.
Does smoking prevent implant treatment?
The risk of occurence of an infection in implant area is 2-3 times higher in heavy smokers than those of nonsmokers. Smoking also retards wound healing. It is not adviced for heavy smokers to get dental implant treatment. Smoking especially in early period of healing may increase risk of occurence of an infection.
What is seamless dental implant surgery?
In seamless surgery, the gum at the surgical site is punched out using a soft tissue punch and followed by implant placement. This technique shortens the surgery duration and the healing also becomes faster. Moreover, no need for suturing and less bleeding are other advantages of this punch technique.
Is there a need for an implant for each tooth loss?
Although especially in case of fixed prostheses, the ideal is to place an implant for each tooth loss, in case of loss of a few teeth, the treatment can be provided with a lesser number of implants. There is no always need for implants as much as the number of tooth loss. In some cases, the treatment can be provided with a lesser number of implants ideally.
After implant surgery, is it possible to place temporary prosthesis ?
Especially in cases of mini implant surgeries of patients using dentures, the use of temproray prosthesis could be provided on the same day after the surgery.
How to care for dental implants?
Caring of implants is not different from that of natural teeth. Brushing teeth two times a day, use of water flosser and an effective oral care will increase the lifetime of implants. In addition, periodical dental check up is important to prevent problems that may develop.
In which cases can implant treatment be performed?
Fully edentulous patients in the lower jaw
Total prosthesis used by fully edentulous patients in the lower jaw moves because the surface area where the prothesis is attached is little and the prosthesis is pushed by the tongue. This affects the comfort of patient negatively.
The dentures may come loose while coughing, yawning. Continuation of osteolysis triggers this problem. Placement of at least two implants for such patients both solves this problem and also improves the comfort of the patient significantly. If sufficient bone exists, it is also possible to place fixed prosthesis.
Fully edentulous patients in the lupper jaw
Although the retention of upper jaw is not as bad as the lower jaw, both the retention of the prosthesis will increase and the area covered by the prosthesis in the mouth will decrease by placing at least two implants. This will provide the patient comfortable use and affect the psychology of the patient positively. Decrease of the surface area covered by the denture is very advantageous especially for patients having nausea complaint.
Use of dental implants is very common for cases where there is a few tooth loss both in lower and upper jaw. Use of dental implant instead of dental bridge called as fixed prosthesis makes possible to close the tooth gap without damaging adjacent natural teeth. Moreover, patients using removable dentures may use fixed dentures by the dental implant procedure.
In case of single tooth loss, instead of sucrificing two adjacent teeth, the placement of a single implant will save both adjacent teeth and also stop osteolysis.
What are the advantages of implant supported fixed prostheses?
Patient feels like natural teeth.
It requires less care.
There is a less food accumulation.
It is more comfortable for use.
With implant treatment:
Aesthetic needs are satisfied.
It is possible to eat easily like natural teeth and to have healthy and balanced nutrition.
It is possible to speak comfortably and to have more social and happier life with the increase of selfconfidence.
Today, when dental implant procedure is performed with correct diagnosis and treatment, adequate knowledge, experience and good equipment, the outcome will be very good and dental implants can be used for many years without any problem.
In implant treatments, in case of tooth extraction in the area where the implant will be placed, a certain period of time is needed for recovery after the extraction. The implant is placed after the extraction gap is filled with bone. However, with the development of technology, it is possible to have the tooth extraction and implant performed in a single procedure. As a result of extensive researches, the recent developments in implant surfaces design allow the implant to unite with the bone in a much shorter time. Thus, both the aesthetic and functional needs of the patients are fulfilled in a much shorter time.
Who can get immediate (same day) implant treatment?
If there is no acute infection in the tooth to be extracted, the density and quality and quantity of the underlying bone is sufficient, immediate implant procedure can be performed for all patients. The tooth extraction should be performed carefully without damaging the surrounding bone and tissue. Extraction without developing trauma increases the success rate.
In which cases cannot immediate implant treatment be performed?
For patients with bad oral hygiene
Presence of acute infection in the tooth to be extracted
Insufficiency of bone density and structure
For heavy smokers
Presence of periodontal problems
What are the advantages of immediate implant treatment?
The patients can use their prosthesis in a short time. The patient becomes comfortable both functionally and aesthetically in a much shorter time than the other treatment process. Fewer surgical procedures are performed. Time is saved. Soft tissue aesthetics is accomplished more easily. It is a very comfortable treatment option when performed by the right technique, the right indication and by an experienced surgeon.
In completely edentulous jaws, long-term edentulism leads to bone loss. These losses may create some risks for implant treatment. Bone loss in the upper jaw together with prolapse of sinus makes implant procedure difficult. Similarly, bone loss in the lower jaw reaches very close to the nerves in the lower jaw and implant treatment may be risky. In all on 4-technique, implants are placed on different angles in order to eliminate anatomical formations that may create problems. Edentulism problem of the patient is solved with four implants.
For whom can all on 4 technique be used?
All on 4 is a technique that can be used for edentulous patients. It can be performed for patients with sufficient bone structure and density. Bone structure is analysed by tomography and then the procedure is performed if the conditions are suitable. At the end of surgery, temporary protheses are prepared and the patients use these temporary prostheses for 3 months. Then if the healing is complete as expected, it starts preparation of fixed prostheses.
What are the advantages of all on 4 technique?
It has a low cost due to use of a fewer number of implants and no requirement for extra surgical intervention.
It eliminates surgical procedures such as sinus lift and bone graft.
It is much comfortable for the patient both functionally and aesthetically because of preparation of prostheses just after implantology.
Procedure time is short.
It is convenient treatment option for patients who cannot use removable prostheses.
What is sinus lift technique?
The sinus cavity is an anatomical structure that is adjacent to the area where molars are located in the upper jaw. These sinus cavities filled with air sometimes prolapse downward. Therefore, the amount of bone in the upper jaw decreases. When patients do not want to use removable prostheses or when dentals implants are to be placed due to tooth loss, the bone deficiency in the upper jaw near sinuses prevents dental implant procedures. In sinus lift procedure, the sinus floor is slightly raised with surgical applications. The necessary space for the placement of dental implants is provided using this procedure.
There are two main techniques for performing sinus lifts: the lateral window technique (LWT) and the osteotome (vertical) technique.
The lateral window technique (LWT):
This technique is performed when the patient has a bone height less than 4 millimetres. Gum tissue is cut into to expose the jawbone under local anaesthesia. Thereafter, a small window is created in the lateral upper jawbone to expose the membrane lining the sinus cavity. The membrane lining the sinus floor is carefully raised through this window. A bone graft is then placed into the now-empty space left behind by the gently raised membrane, and the area is stitched shut. It takes up to 6 months for the bone graft to mesh with the bone already there.
The osteotome (vertical) technique
The osteotome (vertical) technique is performed when the patient has a bone height more than 4-5 millimetres. The sinus floor is carefully raised by an instrument called osteotom. The space required for the place of dental implants is obtained. In this technique, generally, dental implants are placed during the same session.
What are the post operative instructions after sinus lift procedure?
Tampon placed by the surgeon should be kept in the mouth for 20 min.
Very hot and hard foods should be avoided, soft, warm and high-liquid-content foods should be preferred more.
Smoking should be avoided.
Oral hygiene should be maintained well.
Reactions like sneezing which creates pressure should be avoided. Mouth should be kept open while sneezing. Closing mouth which causes pressure should be avoided.
All medications should be taken as prescribed.
What is bone grafting?
Bone graft (bone powder) is a material in the form of particles obtained from various sources. These particles can be of human origin (autogenous), animal origin or synthetic origin. Autogenous grafts have the highest success rate. During the surgery, since autogenous grafts are obtained from the jawbone or different parts of the body of the same individual receiving the graft, a much faster recovery is achieved.
Why is bone graft used?
Bone grafting is a method used when implant treatment cannot be performed due to bone deficiency. Bone grafting is performed when bone loss occurs due to the presence of infection in the extracted tooth and there is not sufficient quantity and density of bone for any reason. Bone grafts are used in sinus lift procedures, losses due to cyst formations and to create a good bone level during the placement of the implant. The cells in the bone grafts trigger bone formation and density. This is called bone augmentation.