A major concern that people express when it comes to dentures is how they sound when talking with their new dentures.No matter what type of dentures you choose, there is a learning curve when it comes to speaking clearly with dentures.
This change in the way you speak is due to how your lips and tongue work with your dentures, which are not an exact copy of your teeth. This change can lead to babbling, lisp, and other speech changes. While this can be frustrating, all our dentists recommend here is not to give up.
Talking With Prostheses Takes Practice
There is no set timeline that says you will become adept at speaking with dentures at this time. It would be nice if it did, but unfortunately the most important thing is practice. The more you practice speaking with your prostheses, the more comfortable and confident you will be able to communicate.
Some people wonder why they need to practice. Application is necessary because the shape of the inside of your mouth has changed. With this change, your mouth muscles need to relearn how to shape themselves to communicate. In addition, the frame of your dentures occupies a different place than your natural teeth, which causes you to need to move your tongue differently.
Therefore, the more you practice speaking with your dentures, the faster you will become a confident and clear speaker.
Ways to Be More Comfortable With Your Prosthesis
Besides speaking frequently to practice, there are different tips and tricks you can try to make speaking with dentures comfortable and easy.
Read aloud – Talking aloud to yourself can be a little boring and not as challenging as reading aloud. By reading, you will become more accustomed to how your dentures feel when speaking a wide variety of words and sounds. You can also see where you need to make adjustments if you want to practice in front of the mirror.
Practice applying enough dental adhesive – Talking with loose dentures can be difficult, so learning to use enough dental adhesive can help reduce movement. But prosthetic wearers do not need to worry about movement.
Bite and swallow before speaking – Excess saliva can make it difficult to talk with dentures. Therefore, before you start talking, bite and swallow excess saliva. Not only will it aid in removing the slurry, but this action can help press your dentures more firmly into place.
Practice speaking at different volumes – One thing to forget is that you don’t always want to speak at a normal volume. It takes practice to master speaking aloud with whispers and dentures, so be sure to include voice control in your workouts.
FAQ- Talking With Prostheses
During follow-up appointments, our dentists often receive questions about problems or concerns with speaking with dentures. Below are the answers to these common denture questions.
Why do I get limp with dentures?
Stinging with dentures is usually caused by changes in your palate. Since your dentures will fit in your mouth differently than your natural teeth, they will change the sounds you make when you speak. With practice, you can learn how to correct these changes and the limp will go away.
Will people notice my dentures while talking?
In general, your dentures will be undetectable in everyday speech. Dentures sit high enough on the gumline, and only large movements (such as wide smiles and open-mouthed laughter) can potentially indicate you have a denture. So you don’t have to worry about a casual conversation revealing your dentures.
How can I stop my dentures from clicking while talking?
Natural teeth are full of nerves that help us perceive movement, and since dentures don’t have these nerves, it’s much easier to bring your teeth together in a way that is more difficult than you would like. Clicking on dentures while talking is a relevant issue, as you are not used to how much movement is needed.
By practicing speaking slower, you can learn how much force and space there is between your dentures and avoid clicking in the future.
Will I be able to feel normal with prostheses?
While your dentures will never feel like your natural teeth, you can be natural about wearing your dentures. However, as you can see throughout this post, the most important thing is practice. With enough practice, you can overcome the initial discomfort.
If you want to have dentures and are not sure where to start, you can contact us and consult our dentists. Our dental clinic specializes in dentures and can help you regain your smile in no time.