Tooth decay is not an adult condition. This is a major concern, as more than 40 percent of children aged 2 to 11 develop dental caries. This occurs when sugary deposits remain in children’s mouths for a long time. Such an environment leads to the growth of acid-producing bacteria that cause cavities.
Preventing early tooth decay among toddlers is important because it ensures the health of their dental system. Children without tooth decay usually have healthy and beautiful smiles. This goes a long way in improving their self-confidence. It is important to prevent tooth decay in children, as this disorder can cause other dental complications such as overbiting as it grows. The pediatric dentist can perform regular checkups to monitor your child’s dental health.
Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay in Children
Many parents think that milk teeth do not need close attention because they are not permanent. However, you must remember that the health of the milk teeth largely determines how healthy the dental system will be in adulthood. The following are some of the ways you can use to prevent tooth decay in children.
Maintaining Oral Hygiene
Keeping the dental system bacteria-free can be done by following certain oral hygiene practices. When children are still small, you should regularly wipe their gums with a clean cloth after feeding them. As they get older, use fluoride-free toothpaste to brush their teeth. You should also take your children to a pediatric dentist regularly so their teeth can be checked and any disorders can be detected early.
Feed Them A Healthy Diet
The food that children eat determines their dental health. In this regard, you should avoid feeding your children foods with high sugar content. Especially sugar and fruit juices should be avoided as they contribute to early tooth decay. Children need to be fed nutritious food. Feed them combinations that reduce the risk of tooth decay. For example, whole grains and vegetables clear harmful sugars in the mouth and prevent plaque formation.
Children’s dental health is a very important issue. Failure to prevent or treat early tooth decay often leads to further infection. Worried about tooth decay among your children? Don’t worry anymore. Call our clinic today to set up an appointment.